Workshop book-of-abstracts:
7.5 MB)
Monday, June 11
Color code: |
30 min
presentation |
20 min
presentation |
8:30 − 9:00 |
Registration |
9:00 − 9:10 |
Opening remarks |
Chair: Philippe
Marcus |
9:10 − 9:40 |
Rob Lindsay (invited)
Insight into corrosion
inhibition in acidic solutions |
9:40 − 10:10 |
Ingrid Milošev
COR_ID: Design of corrosion
resistant coatings targeted for versatile
applications |
10:10 − 10:30 |
Coffee break |
Chair: Frank Uwe
Renner |
10:30 − 11:00 |
Arjan Mol (invited)
Local electrochemical and
surface analytical analysis of corrosion and Cr(VI)-free
protection of AA2024-T3 |
11:00 − 11:30 |
Anton Kokalj
Molecular modeling of corrosion
inhibitors and a search for physically sound corrosion
inhibition descriptors |
11:30 − 11:50 |
Urša Tiringer
Hybrid sol-gel coatings for
corrosion protection of aluminum alloys |
11:50 − 12:10 |
Shova Neupane
AFM characterization and force
measurements on inhibitor-modified Cu and Cu-Zn
surfaces |
12:10 − 14:00 |
Lunch break |
Chair: Ingrid
Milošev |
14:00 − 14:30 |
Daniel Crespo (invited)
Metallic glasses properties and
corrosion performance |
14:30 − 14:50 |
Dunja Gustinčič
New insights into adsorption
bonding of imidazole on surfaces of
metals |
14:50 − 15:10 |
Bálint Menczinger
Preparation of
(perfluoroalkyl)alkane thioacetates and their use in
organic synthesis and corrosion research |
15:10 − 15:30 |
Fatah Chiter
DFT modeling of the protection
of aluminum by carboxylates against adsorption and
diffusion of chloride |
15:30 − 15:50 |
Coffee break |
Chair: Anton
Kokalj |
15:50 − 16:20 |
Dominique Costa (invited)
DFT modeling of passive films on
Al and AlCu alloys, role of defects and corrosion
inhibition |
16:20 − 16:40 |
Pere Bruna
AFM and potentiodynamic analysis
of melt-spun Cu(Zn,Zr) under corrosion
agents |
16:40 − 17:00 |
Marion van Midden and Matic
Scrutinizing the bonding of
2-mercaptobenzimidazole on Cu(111) by STM and
17:00 − 17:20 |
Sandrine Zanna
XPS analysis of aluminium
samples exposed to organic molecules and saline
water |
Tuesday, June 12
Chair: Arjan
Mol |
9:00 − 9:30 |
Philippe Marcus (invited)
A new experimental platform for
surface science and corrosion studies |
9:30 − 10:00 |
Dejan Lorber (invited)
Aluminium on the global
market |
10:00 − 10:20 |
Coffee break |
Chair: Daniel
Crespo |
10:20 − 10:50 |
Janez Kovač (invited)
Application of surface
analytical techniques XPS, SIMS and AES for corrosion
studies |
10:50 − 11:20 |
Anikó Nemes (invited)
Fluorous chemistry and fluorous
surface modification |
11:20 − 11:40 |
Peter Rodič
Superhydrophobic coatings on
aluminium based on alkyl and fluoroalkyl
silanes |
11:40 − 12:00 |
Coffee break |
Chair: Dominique
Costa |
12:00 − 12:30 |
Frank Uwe Renner (invited)
Effect of inhibitor
modifications on dealloying studied on the atomic scale:
a surface science approach |
12:30 − 13:00 |
Matic Poberžnik
Bonding of several corrosion
inhibitors to oxidized aluminum surfaces |
13:00 − 13:30 |
Break |
13:30 − 15:30 |
Departure for Talum factory near
(a light meal with doughnut will be provided at Trojane ) |
15:30 − 16:00 |
Presentation of Talum |
16:30 − 18:00 |
A tour of the Talum factory |
18:00 − 20:00 |
Arrival at hotel Mitra (in the
city of Ptuj) |
20:00 ... |
Workshop dinner in restaurant Ribič |
After dinner |
Wine tasting in hotel Mitra |
Wednesday, June 13
9:00 − 11:30 |
Excursion and sightseeing in Ptuj (oldest
recorded town in Slovenia) |
11:30 |
Departure from Ptuj |
13:00 |
Arrival at Ljubljana airport |
13:45 |
Arrival in Ljubljana |